Sunday, August 30, 2009

Talking with Jesus

Everything changes when you have a conversation with Jesus. When was the last time you sat down and had a conversation with the Lord. This morning I preached a sermon from Luke chapter ten where Jesus pays a visit to the home of Mary and Martha. Martha is busy preparing for the visitors, while Mary is at the feet of Jesus listening to His words. Martha is frustrated and "distracted" by all that she has to do. Jesus tells Martha that Mary has chosen what is better and to basically reevaluate her own priorities. Hmm... kind of hard words to take. I know it would nice have some help from time to time.
So let's think about this plot in our world. How does this same story line play out in your daily life? Do you find yourself in the same situation? Do you find yourself running around only to find out later that you are not only physically tired, but spiritually exhausted as well? Jesus is highlighting a great principle for us: we must pause our life to sit with Jesus, because a conversation with Jesus changes everything. When we fail to stop with Jesus, we are implying that our activity is more important, that God's hands are idle when ours are, as well as revealing that we have a lack of trust in God's leadership in our circumstances.
God wants to be involved in our lives even more than we realize. Take time this week to press the pause button and intentionally involve the Lord in your life. Ask God to make a daily difference in and through your live and know that He will.

Remember: A conversation with Jesus really does change everything.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I have been reading the Proverbs lately. It has been fun to see how practical and helpful these short sayings really are to my life. There is great wisdom to be found there and it is easy to read. If you have not made it through each of the chapters I encourage you to take a chapter a day or a portion of a chapter and see how God reveals Himself to you and applies a truth to your life.

I like this one in 10:9 says:
The man of integrity walks securely
but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.
Or this one in 3:34-35
He mocks proud mockers
but gives grace to the humble
The wise inherit honor
but fools he holds up to shame.
Or a personal favorite 4:23
Above all else guard your heart
for it is the wellspring of life.
This is just a smattering of the great insight presented in the book of Proverbs. I am sure these nuggets of wisdom will push and challenge you just as they have my life and marriage. Take time to read and reread the passage each day and in the process I think you will find the scripture reading you. When this happens you won't just be getting through the Bible, rather the Bible will be working through you. I need this and I am certain you do as well!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Walking Across A Room

I am reading a book by Bill Hybles, Just Walk Across the Room, about evangelism. He presents a very simple idea that is hard for us to grasp. Hybles says that if we will take the time engage people in conversation about Jesus, then we will see God begin to work in their lives. Often we overlook people or dismiss them as unreachable, when God wants to share His grace with them. It all begins with a simple conversation about life and then proceeding onto weightier matters of faith. God can and will use the conversation to help draw the person to Himself. This is the miracle of the way God works. Certainly this is a an act of faith and trust in God, but as we step out in an act of faith God will show Himself faithful.
So, let me ask you a series of questions.

Is there someone in your life that you need to talk with?

Do you believe that the Lord wants to work in each person's life?

What steps do you need to take to begin sharing Christ with people in your life?