How did you feel this morning when you got up? What was your thought when your alarm went off or your baby started crying or your coffee was spilt in your lap or your car would not start or you were throwing up in the middle of the night or someone pulled out in front of you at the light or your homework was "lost" or you did not get the raise you thought you would or your spouse left you or a temptation set in that you did not expect or you gave in one more time to a habit that you thought was over... most us of think: what in the world?; where did that come from? why me? how the heck did that happen? not again!! not me! etc, etc, etc...
Scripture tells us... "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation ; the old has gone, the new has come!"
2 Corinthians 5:17
"...Christ in you, the hope of glory." Colossians 1:27
This is what scripture tells us is the truth about me as a believer. As a follower of Christ, I have Christ living in me. WOW!! Often I forget this or fail to live like this. Often my life circumstance gets in the way of this truth. How about you? How does this strike you? To know that Christ is living in you and daily you carry him around in your body and actually lives through you as you walk around in this world. Is this evident in your life. I mean do others see Christ in you? Are you aware of this reality?
It has been said, "It is the image of Christ in us that so enrages hell." The image of our Savior is in us and is on display as we live. As we grow closer to the Lord this reality becomes more and more evident in our journey with Him. So today remember... you are not alone in this world, but as a follower of Christ you have the Hope of Glory in you!!