Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Challenges We Ignore

I was reading the other day in the gospel of Mark about a time when some people begged Jesus to leave because they were not comfortable with His actions. It seems that it frightened them and I can understand because I have been there. I have been in the place where Jesus is at work and the work He is doing does not fit into my normal or natural framework. This makes me uneasy and really pushes me to limits I am not used to. Why am I like this? What is it in me that only allows Jesus to work in ways that are in line with my certain way of thinking? Why do I do this? I am convinced that I (we) miss the activity of Jesus far more than know. Jesus is always at work around us and wanting to use us, but we shrug it off as weird or unusual, while He is pursuing the greater good of us all. This makes me sad and strangely hopeful about the future. God still wants to work but we must be open. Jesus is always, always working toward the purposes of the Father.

Lord help us to be vessels you can use... Vessels open to your unique work in this your great world.

May we not ignore the work of God... the simple leadings of the Spirit... Jesus be magnified in us we pray!!


josh said...

That's a good word. If God's activity isn't what we expect it to be (or what we want it to be) we sometimes discount it, ignore it, or fight against it.

I'm thinking of the Jews with Jesus, Jonah running from Nineveh, Moses asking question after question in Ex3, and about a million times in my own life...

It does often seem tough to trust God when we only see from our own lives and experiences and can't see God's bigger picture. But I guess that's why Jesus was always so impressed when he met people who had "great faith."

Katie said...

Why am I JUST now learning you have a blog? Crazy!!! Good to find you though!