Wednesday, July 28, 2010

God and Contentment

What is up in your life? Are you frustrated and angry with your life? Do you wish you could move to the next phase God has for you? You may wonder when ___ is going to come into your life. It could be money, job, relationship, etc.
God is teaching us patience and trust the that he knows best. He longs for us to love Him above all. God is more interested in our relationship with Him than we can even imagine. He will use whatever situation we are in to draw us closer to his side.
The faith journey is one that is forged with trust. Trust holds us to the hope that the Lord is at work even when we may not see it or feel it. God is working and moving in our lives at all times! We must trust that he knows best and longs for the best for us.

Read over Phil 4:11-13 and remember Paul is in prison.

Jesus would say it like this: be faithful where you are. Be faithful in the position you have and we just might find ourselves given more responsibility. Don't make this a formula or think that since you are being faithful God OWES you something.

Just know that God longs for us to be faithful and obedient to him regardless!!

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