Monday, July 5, 2010

Making Moments Count

"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him..." 2 Chronicles 16:9

I find great comfort in knowing the Lord is longing to strengthen me and work on my behalf. It is so reassuring to know the Lord desires to be the catalyst in my life: for spiritual growth, victory over temptation, to do His will, etc. We can often feel alone and by ourselves but the Lord wants to take each of us and lead us to a place of honest trust in Him.

Westminster Shorter Catechism says:
The chief end of man is glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

Our lives should bring him glory. Our lives should give others a glimpse of his greatness. We can certainly live out our days in a life that does not necessarily do this or we can opt for more. We can opt to live a life that is only possible with the strength of God.
Scripture also reminds us that we are clay in the potters hand. We are to place ourselves in the hands of God to be used by Him for His plan and purpose.
So put yourself in the Lord's hands and let Him use you as He will.
That is what Jonathan did in 1 Samuel 14.
He took the lead when no one else would. He was willing to stand alone.
Jonathon was willing to take the leap because he:
He saw the need. 1-3

No one would take action. His dad the King was perched under a tree in fear. The 600 men with him did not know what to do either, because they did not have any weapons. (see 13:16-22) Do you see the needs around you?

He had someone he could depend on. vs.7

We read that Jonathan had his right hand man. This guy was willing to to go with him. Do you have someone in your life like this? The 3am person.

He counted the cost - 4-6

There were no guarantees that all would work out for him. This is true for us too. There are no promises as to how things will work out. So we must count the cost. We must be willing to take the step to be who the Lord has called us to be.

He got the nod from God.vs. 8-12

God spoke to him in a very specific way. There was a very intimate relationship between Jonathan and the Lord. Are you cultivating this relationship with the Lord?

He acted on behalf of others. vs 12

Jonathan did not do this for his acclaim or his fame! He did this because Israel was in need. Are you living this way?

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