Friday, November 2, 2007

Craving Clarity

We long for and crave clarity in our lives. We want to know where the pieces of the puzzle are. I am not sure that we need this at all, in fact the mysteries of this life drive me closer to the Lord.
They serve as reminder that I am limited and in need of God's wisdom. I know that I must depend on Christ to lead me, my marriage, and the ministry. If I knew it all, I would not live in a state of dependence on Him.
Daniel knew this when he prayed for God to make known to him the mysteries of his times. We too should go before the Lord and pray that he wold give us the answer to the mysteries that we experience in this life.
"...but there is a God who reveals mysteries" Daniel 2:28

May we all live in expectancy of what God can do.

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