Monday, June 2, 2008


I read a quote the other day by C.S. Lewis, "Obedience is the road to freedom..." Often we think of walking in obedience as something that is actually keeping us from the freedom that we long for and were actually made to experience.
In Psalm 119 we actually find that the Psalmist says in verse 32 that to follow the commands of the Lord sets us free.
"I run in the path of your commands,
for you have set my heart free."
Psalm 119:32
To walk in the truth is to find the freedom that we so desperately desire. God longs to lead us to freedom. He does not want us to be held back but set free to be all that He created us to be.
I know that often I rebel against the Lord. In action or thought or even in speech. I need to be aware of how the Lord is leading me daily into the life that He longs for me to have. Each of us must realize that each day the Lord's desire is to lead us in a way that is most fulfilling. I don't want to miss out... Do you?

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