Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Back Home

It is good to be back in the Boro. I can hardly believe that I have only been gone two and half weeks. I feel like I have been out for about six months.
It is fun to travel, but there seems to be nothing quite like home. It is always good to see my wife ans other familiarities. It is interesting how distance really does make the heart grow fonder. I wonder why this is. Do we become so used to something that we have to be away in order to actually appreciate it? I am not sure, but this does seem to be the case. This is a sad reality to me...
I looking forward to the beginning of the Fall Semester. I am praying for the Freshmen as they move to town. The year will be a challenge for us all, but it is especially hard when you are just learning the ropes and testing the college water.
I pray that we will be available to God to use us in ways that will impact the others for Christ. May we stay in step with the Spirit.

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