Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6 - The Beginning of Something Real

What did that first Christmas accomplish?
It is kind of hard to consider what exactly the first Christmas was like, because obviously I have only experienced Chirstmas since then. But I would think that it must have been quite amazing to hear those first words that the promised Messiah was coming. I know that it was challenging and terribly frightening for many, but that first Christmas was magnificent in that God the Father put on a face. He put a face on his love for his creation. How great is it that God came in the form of a man and came to display his love for us.

Remember this: At Christmas we celebrate that God took the initiative in having a relationship with us.

What was different about Jesus than the popular religion of his day?
The religion of Jesus' day did more to keep others out than to help them find a way in. In fact, even the first disciples found in hard to understand that in the person of Jesus they were seeing the Father. The Father was in Jesus and Jesus was in Him. Jesus was authenticating the love and character of the Father in person.

Remember this: At Christmas we cebrate that Jesus was a visible expression of the Father in every way!

How can you and I keep our faith fresh each day?
The truth is we will never keep our faith real each day if don't take time to spend time with the Lord. The sad truth is, if we do not take our relationship with the Lord seriously, the Christmas story will just be another stale story we have heard over and over again. Now, I don't want this and I am sure that you don't either, so take some time daily to spend with the Lord.

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